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I am Kayla

I provide Bespoke 1:1 support for second/third time mummas and partners to prepare for a positive and empowering birthing journey.


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"When a birthing women truly believes in her bodies wisdom then she can embody her birth & experience an empowered birth"

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You stepped into the hospital for your previous birth and felt like a patient with no control over your choices

  • You have a previous traumatic birth?

  • You feel like you were not listened to during your birth?

  • You felt part of a system that you didn't understand

  • You felt like you weren't listened to and didn't understand your birth choices

  • You feel overwhelmed and fearful of what to expect

  • You were pressured into have medical interventions that you now know were not necessary?


This time you want something different
How would it feel?

  • To believe that you can have an empowered birthing experience

  • To feel confident and trust your body to birth your baby

  • To feel calmer, grounded and more relaxed in your body

  • To feel excited to birth your baby

  • To Feel connected with your baby and ready to meet your baby

  • ​To know your choices and that you are in control of your birth experience

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Embody Your Birth

A 1:1 Bespoke Birth Preparation Package to support you with your pregnancy and explore your birth choices so you can feel empowered and embody the journey to having a confident and positive birth experience.

No more feeling overwhelmed by your birth choices
No more feeling anxious about your birth
No more sleepless nights worrying about what you need to pack in your birthing bag
No more feeling fearful of not being listened to in your pregnancy and birth
By the end of our 4 coaching sessions together you will be able to:


  • Feel more confident and believe in your bodies ability to birth your baby

  • Discover the true power of following your intuition

  • Feel excited for your birth

  • Feel prepared and know all your birth choices

  • Feel empowered because you KNOW you have choices

  • Have a toolkit of resources that you can draw on to empower your birthing experience

  • Surrender in a power-filled way to the process of labour knowing that your birth partner is confident and advocating for you with confidence

  • Be ready in your body, mind and soul to meet your baby and become a mother again

Topics That can be Explored

This Bespoke preparation package will be especially designed for you with core components for an empowered and informed Birth.

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Why birth works

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Your body knows the score, birth physiology. Debrief your previous birth including water ritual to reflect, release and renew.

Bespoke Birth Preferences

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What are your options? Why preferences is different to a plan
Pain relief options including medical options if needed

Active Birth Positions

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Comfort techniques for a optimal birthing experience
with your birth partner explore different supportive techniques and discovering the power of finding your groove.
Includes rebozo techniques.

The Power of Words

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Exploring birth affirmations why they work, finding the ones that support you most. Language around birth and why it's important in pregnancy and the birth space.

You Receive

This Bespoke preparation package will be especially designed for you with core components for an empowered and informed Birth.


  • 4x 90 mins (Total 6 Hours) bespoke Mentoring sessions


  • Access to my resource Doula Library.









  • 4x 90 mins (Total 6 Hours) bespoke Mentoring sessions


  • ​Additional Whats App support, including voice notes up until birth of your baby. 


  • Access to my resource Doula Library and other birth contacts for additional support


  • Extra bespoke meditations


  • Vision Board Workshop


  • Labyrinth Workshop 







Upgrade to VIP Package (very intentional person) to gain access to my other trainings FOR FREE includes:



* The power and meditation tool of labyrinths and finding your heart question to help you prepare for birth



* Creating a Birth Vision Board workshop to explore your labourland and manifest your empowered birth journey.



*Release your fears through water and connect with the waters for cleansing and transformation.

Feel released, restored and ready to meet your baby.


or add these onto your Regular Option 1 package for  an extra £97 each per workshop.


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​Meet Your Doula

​I am a certified Doula with a wealth of 10 years experience supporting women to move out of fear and into an empowered space where they feel heard, held and loved. Mothering the mother.

I have access to a whole community of doulas and midwives who believe in birth that I draw extra knowledge from. A big part of being a doula is signposting You so you feel empowered to make the choices for yourself. I do not advise, I guide.


YOU hold the key to your own birthing power.

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​"I can feel this whole process is so healing and honestly Kayla without you I would have buried my head in the sand till she came out!! I don’t think you realise what a blessing you have been to me. Seriously, it’s like you are slowly healing my scars that I didn’t even realise I had. But I’m so grateful because I can heal them now prior to the birth and have a fresh slate for this little girl.
​In all honesty I did not believe that I could have had such a quick and powerful birth naturally without an epidural. I did not think that my husband and I could have worked so well as a team. Working with you Kayla, you showed us a way that we had not known how to get to. I could have only visualised my birth but I did not know how to get to this place. But you showed us. Thank you". 

Here is what woman are saying about working with me during their pregnancy journey.



​"Kayla supported me in late pregnancy, during labour, and post-natally. She has an incredible amount of knowledge about labour and can offer support with many different birthing issues. She is warm and caring, and allows you to lead the process.
​My husband also appreciated having Kayla's input and support throughout my long labour. I never thought I would need a doula but I definitely did and Kayla was an excellent one! My advice to any new mum is to take the support offered by a doula such as Kayla- you won't regret it! "



​"I loved attending Kayla’s Pregnancy Group sessions. After feeling disconnected with my first pregnancy, I wanted to make sure that I fully embraced the experience second time round. Kayla’s sessions were perfect for this. I felt relaxed, spoilt and held in a space perfectly designed for me and the other women present. It was evident that Kayla had meticulously planned and thought of everything and that she puts this level of commitment into all areas of her work." 



If you would like to know more and book a free
1:1 chat

Thanks for submitting!

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